Lesson 35. Gratitude Teacher: Itana
Lesson 35. Gratitude Teacher: Itana
Chapter 16. - IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO SERVE BOTH GOD AND MAMMON Item 5 The parable of the bad rich man. Raquel (IN PORTUGUESE)
CAPÍTULOS 22 -23 (Os que dormem, Pesadelos) Expositor: Paulo
Members and families
Thanksgiving Paulo
Paulo - Prayer
Lesson 36. Respecting God’s Creation Teacher: Renata
Chapter 16. - IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO SERVE BOTH GOD AND MAMMON Item 6 -The parable of the talents. Geronimo (IN ENGLISH)
CAPÍTULOS 24 e 25 (A prece de Ismália , Efeitos da oração) Expositor: Raquel e Ines