Expositor: Paulo
Expositor: Paulo
Lesson 6. Guardian Angels Teacher: Renata
Chapter 10. - BLESSED ARE THE MERCIFUL: Item 19 -21 - Instructions from the Spirits: Is it permitted to reprehend, observe imperfections or to comment on the evil in others? Raquel
Lesson 7. Talking to God, Prayer Raquel
Chapter 11. - LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR AS YOURSELF: Item 1-4 - The greatest commandment. Do unto others as we would have them do unto as. The parable of the creditors and the debtors Itana
Lesson 8. Trusting God, The Law of Evolution Teacher:Renata
Chapter 11. - LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR AS YOURSELF: Item 5-7 - Give unto Caesar that which belongs to Caesar Geronimo
Apresentação, Prefácio e Introdução Expositores: Gabi e Paulo
Lesson 9. Review L. 6-8 Teahcer: Raquel